Dark Light

Many of us, myself included, struggle to say no, fear rejection, get angry, or aren’t sure what the other person’s reaction will be. Yet, our human gratification often stems from our culture, childhood, education, and work environment.

I have to admit that no matter how rebellious I am in my thoughts, the first and immediate word that comes out of my words when someone asks for it is “yes.” This is because I have been taught to accept every job but sometimes forget I have to analyze and think to respond reasonably to both parties.

Saying “yes” might help me become a valued person in certain situations. However, my mental health is not good in the long run, and the flame of suffering can arise anytime. For me, it’s perilous.

I’ve spent a lot of time recently learning how to say “no” reasonably, fairly, and politely. I believe that if I could do this, I would have a healthier mental life and more time for my loved ones.

Let’s just start with “Yes, but….”

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