Dark Light

Hi there!

You’re about to read something about Anh or Mickey.

My name is Anh, Kim is my middle name, and Dao is my surname.
People usually call me Mickey.

I am currently studying Process Improvement (PI) in graduate school. PI is a part of Decision Science. As a proud woman in STEM, I am striving for opportunities to go further in this profession, especially in an academic pathway.

I am not quitting designing at all.

View portfolio ↗

MBA Candidate in Process Improvement (Class of 2025)

Learn more about PI at NSU ↗

… I’m also:

A former Sr. Art Director, UX/UI designer, and Operations Director of an advertising agency in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, with 17 years of experience.
A proud member of the Llamas Love Poetry Club.
A cat-tortoise mom of Barbara Bich Dao Fabulous de Camouflage and Thor la Sulcata.
A wanna-be camper yet an entire apartment gardener, owner of Botaholix Garden.
An online trainer in user experience and website development for Digital Platform Management online courses of AIM Academy.

As a newbie in blogging, I hope to be able to keep my page updated about everything I am doing right now. So don’t hesitate to get in touch with me if you have any requests or work inquiries.