Dark Light

3 pm, August 18, 2022, when I, Alba, and Touchero had just left the pantry and headed to the parking lot, I saw you.

A matte black, tiny something stopped in front of my used-to-be-white shoes. I thought you were a leaf but instantly, I recognized you’re a living individual in just one second.

You found me. You know that I am the one who always looks down when I walk. You know that I have experience dealing with your species. You also know that I am lonely.

Alba drove you and me straight to the pet store on University Drive, hoping to find you food, a tank, and UVA – UVB lights. Instead, the store staff said you’re a newborn and need water immediately. They also told us better not keep you because you’ll need to develop natural skills by yourself as soon as possible. If you live with us, you may grow and get very bigger without survival skills in the wild.

I wonder what will happen to you if I leave FL next year.

Then I compromised and came up with a plan for you. I chose to bring you home in a box of water together with two free small fishes from the pet store.

Now when I am wrriting those words, I believe you’re swimming around the pond in front of my apartment.

I will see you again, Duyên, the softshell tortoise.

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