Dark Light

#21 – Fall to rise

Fall, has it ever existed in the South with sun and rain?

The leaves on the trees did not fall here, yet my only leaf sank like thousands of weights.
Autumn leaves did fly away that year in the South
Autumn leaves did drop silently in the South
September goodbye that left me alone, oh on that Festival
Illusively I could no longer get up

My autumn green flew away that year
Like all the expired things that fall
Physical pain has ceased to exist in your body
from the tight cough every afternoon
from the pain that torments every night
from the languor of a skinny frame
Like all the expired things that fall

It was only after a while that I accepted a truth
That death is rebirth and reincarnation are the path of growth
That you are lucky to be able to have a new life, less pain, I hope.

For the past eight years, we have met every perfect full moon
There are a few weeks left until the day
We can’t come to see you
We can’t Meet to see you
We can’t Zoom to see you
We can’ Team; we can’t…

Let’s meet in mind, like every day we meet in unconsciousness.
And tell each other about the rises from renewals
That both of us already have
After that very distant day.

My answer is: Fall exists in the South with sun and rain, so does Rise.


  • Initial: August 28, 2021
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